Monday, August 8, 2011

Dear Summer....

Oh how I will miss it, but it is officially over! I am going to miss having everyday with my little girl, even though I know she is going to love school (she doesn't start until next week). I am also going to miss our days of doing whatever we can get into whether it be a play date, running fun errands, painting furniture, re-doing something, or just hanging out at home! I do like a routine so that is a good thing that comes out of going back to school. It does help that I am super excited about my new place to work too, but never easy to "give up summer time!" Oh well... that does put me closer to fall weather and closer to football. Bring it on, I am super excited!!!!!

Yes I was the random FB poster the other day, but I feel like it was worth it. For those of you that don't do FB, here is what it said. It worthy enough to post again somewhere. We had our new teacher orientation on Thursday and Friday. On Friday, we "ended" it at this super nice restaurant here in Homewood and all the administrators from all 5 schools were there, along with every important person from the Central Office. Before we ate, they STOPPED AND SAID THE BLESSING! Yes that is a huge deal because I haven't been a part of system that did that in a long time! What a blessing for sure! So.... off I go, starting at a new place (and hopefully my last one to stay for awhile)

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