Thursday, May 7, 2009

No... I don't have baby shower pictures up yet!

So I know that baby shower pictures is what I am getting emails about to post. I promise those are coming very soon once Jeremy gets home and I get them from his jump drive. However, I  wanted to share my 6:35 morning experience with you all. I went to the dermatologist this morning for an all over skin check. This is a yearly thing for me and I never miss it. I went to a new lady since I was new to the area. She was by recommendation from my friend that I teach with. He always said "she is someone you would like to go to". I didn't get it, but went because she could see me at 6:35 before school started and how many doctors really come in that early? This was very convenient for me!!!!

Well....... lets just say that I am glad I went at 6 months pregnant and not 9 months when I feel all big and swollen because this was a very slim Kim Kardashian doctor!!! I didn't know those doctors existed in New Port Richey, LOL, but anywhere for that matter! She had millions of professional photographs up of her girls and they were gorgeous. I think I got in "trouble" going to the check out desk because I stopped to look at pictures instead of checking out. They are on a mission at that place. Aside from all the distraction, she was a very good doctor and everything was great. She wants to see me back in 6 months because she likes to do skin checks after pregnancy. Now.... I am prepared!

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