Friday, July 9, 2010

Modern Day Idols

My friend Lindsay was telling me about this book that she is reading with her sunday school class. I decided to read this book with a friend. I was impressed with the book reviews and everything Lindsay had to say about it. Sounded so good and who couldn't stand to read a good book?? Well... I am only into the first 7 chapters and boy is this good. It really makes you stop and think and it is amazing to see what God can open my eyes too. My friend and I decided to make a list of all our "modern day idols" because that is what the book wants you to start thinking about. Now this can be anything that you completely love and put lots of time, thought, and all your effort into. It can be bad things (material items) or good things (family, child, health, job, etc...). However, when anything comes in FRONT of God, that is when it becomes an idol, even if it is something good like family, child, health. So.... here are a list of lots of my idols and loves! I put lots of thought into things everyday. They are in NO PARTICULAR order at all. Some get way more thought than others, but every week or so the same ones take a "drive by" in my mind (washing car, cleaning, etc...). Not to say I won't still enjoy lots of these things because I will, but I will work on my priorities more. The book doesn't encourage you to give them up, but to not put them in front of God. As I continue reading the book and discussing it with my friend, I will be enlightened more and I am excited to see what I gain from this!

My child!
Organizing! I am very OCD which I know is a big shocker to most of you, but I love to organize, re-organize and organize again!
Yes I love cupcakes, but this picture stands for all sweets in general... brownies, oreo bits, cookies, ice cream, cheesecake, anything chocolate, junior mints, reese cups, cinnamon rolls, and the list goes on!

Shopping FOR my child... that is an addition to shopping
Shopping Period... this is one of my favorites International Plaza in Tampa
Running... not just running, but my new HOME GYM! It is equipped with an exercise machine, water dispenser, TV, elliptical, free weights, stability ball, all kinds of new medicine balls, other items that I have no idea what the names are, and the tread mill that has been waiting to be picked up for over 2 months now. I do love my little home gym.
My family!
Taking pictures of everything, but ESPECIALLY Charlee Kate
Keeping my new car clean!
Traveling... this picture just happens to be my all time favorite, NYC
Dr. Pepper, YUM!
Coffee, but not just any coffee, Dunkin Donuts. The South has got to catch on to this trend of DD coffee before I move back, LOL!
Eating Healthy. I did grow up in the south and I love some good fried food, burgers, etc... but eating healthy has become a HUGE thing for Jeremy and I over the last few years.
My Apple Laptop...searching the internet
How could I forget my pump! It lives with me 5 times a day, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. In less than 2 months, it will not be a love anymore, but until then, holding on to it. That poor pump goes everywhere with me

So those are SOME of my loves that I have. I will continue to love them, but some just won't be as important. Notice... facebook and job are not on there. Not that I don't love my job, but I do have my priorities in line there.

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