Thursday, February 19, 2015

No pity party here!

No pity party here...just prayers! It's been a whirlwind of 6 days and believe me..we don't have it bad compared to so many. It's just still not easy for a mama to see her baby sick and not be able to do much! We MAY be on the mend to getting better. We will see in the next couple of days. 

We ended up taking Beckham to childrens on Tuesday night. My child was not himself! No smiles, no playing, not eating, barely drinking, horrible diarrhea, ear infections, you name it! He lost a little weight not eating and was hoarse from crying SO much. Broke my heart and I was just worried. Of course the minute we walked in the hospital, someone traded my child and I had my old Beckham back. Then we got home and it all changed again! Go figure!! Luckily we got a shot and hoping he is slowly getting better. He got another shot today at the doctor and we go back for one more tomorrow! We both have cabin fever but I just want my happy, get into everything, silly little boy back to himself!! And praying no one else gets this stomach bug!!!

Didn't cry for the doctor!! Of course! 
A hint of a smile! 

The first bite of food...a French fry! Nothing healthy but who cared at this point! It was also a HUGE deal that he sat in a shopping cart. I have carried him a whole lot lately. I have a huge right bicep at the moment 😄
A picture I got from Mrs. Letson at school on Wednesday. CK did her own side pony! Rocking the 80's! Survival mode in the Wilson house! Luckily she stayed with Gammy the night we went to the hospital

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