Monday, December 8, 2014

What a blessing

I am not sure if there are the right words for this post. My heart is full and what a blessing we received exactly 1 year ago today!! Our precious baby boy to complete our family! 

I never knew I could love two babies so much! I knew it was possible though...everyone did it right??? But it was so hard to imagine! It had been the 3 of us for so long (and Chloe!) Now, I don't remember what it was like withOUT Beckham Lance Wilson. 

I always pray that God can use my story, my adventure, my hardships, my tears, my struggles, my challenges, and my joy to touch just 1 person! That year, those months, those weeks, those days, those hours and those minutes were tough! I tried to be strong during that "time" wondering if I would ever feel that miracle in my stomach again! Then I would feel guilty for wanting a baby so bad bc I already had the most perfect little girl and some people never even get one! But God kept tugging on my heart saying it's ok...and giving me faith and strength to keep moving on. Thankfully he did because THAT moment THAT day...when the nurse called me to tell me I was pregnant....was worth all of those hard moments! All of a sudden they were erased for a little while and I was completely over come with joy and happiness! It was worth it! God answered my prayer at that moment and I was in awe!!!

There is nothing else more amazing in this world than carrying a child. It's just an absolute miracle!! I am so very thankful for my TWO miracles!!! And on this day, December 12th, we celebrate the life of our little miracle Beckham! So glad that we can call him ours and raise him on this earth!! Thank you God for SUCH a blessing!!!

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