Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mommy's Play Day

While Mommy goes out to play today.... Charlee Kate will be hanging out with Daddy! She is all ready for him! I am sure he will ask me why she needs to be all dressed up, but that is because Mommy played dress up this morning. Of course, after trying on 3 outfits to see if they "fit yet" Charlee Kate was over it. I will save those cute ones for a real going out day though. I am going running on Bayshore with a friend and out to do fun things!
She is checking out her new legwarmers, haha! Probably wondering how many more pairs I will get her
She still loves the fan!

1 comment:

  1. So cute. Hope you all are doing good. Would love to see you sometime. Guess what, Zoe went poo poo in the potty!! I did the potty dance, so proud of her!
