Thursday, August 27, 2009

I really wanted to protect my new cute car seat, so I got a car seat cover. Finding car seat covers to fit my car seat are not very easy. I started looking back in April, but I never found anything to jump out at me. NOW... I FINALLY found something I love! It will be here in a week or so. The baby may not be able to come home in it, but I love it so that is all that matters! It has a summer side that is more light weight and winter side. I am looking forward to the wintery/fall side the most. I am ready, ready, ready for FALL WEATHER!!! That is my most favorite time of year. It should be a really fun fall with a new baby : )

1 comment:

  1. HHHMM...that sure does look very boyish?!! Are we SURE we don't know John Parker is on his way???? :-) You'll love the cover...I love mine!!
