This is how CHarlee Kate likes to announce it!! This is also the 3rd post so big news (for us) if this is the first time checking the blog. I am typing out my story. The previous posts give background info.
I still did a home pregnancy test about everyday for a week after my doctor's visit. Jeremy would laugh at me, but I wanted to see NONSTOP positives! About 3 days after my positive bloodwork, I saw my doctor in her yard. Her house is on my running/walking route and she is outside all the time so over the year we did become close and I would stop and talk. I stopped and ask her if she "heard". She got so excited and hugged me. She assured me she would keep me with her for awhile and monitor me each week. This was reassuring. Even though a goal had been achieved, I wasn't ready to leave her or the nurses. They were practically like family. We watched this baby grow from a follicle so small to measure to this point. As the weeks would progress I would see how that baby would grow and it amazed me that I watched this process from day 1! The day finally came when I graduated from the fertility doctor to a NEW OB (because I never had one here in Bham since moving back). That was bittersweet, but it was time. My stomach was very very bloated because of my hyperstimulated ovaries. One would have THOUGHT I was pregnant because of that but as the hormones began to release their job to other organs they gradually got smaller and my stomach was sort of getting back to normal until baby growth kicked in.
After all of that being said... it is by all means not a pity party. It is something I want to remember I made it through and that God gave me faith to get through. So many people go through this. I was apalled at how full the fertility waiting room was everytime I went. To see all of the same people that were in a "club" with me and struggled. However, I myself read so many blogs and so many others' stories about their fertility process. For some reason, that is comforting to a person going through this. To know that others go through it and others get through. It took me days to type this post and remember the process but one I love to read and realize we made it through! We still have months to go but it's happy times (through all the sickness too!).
We are due in December, definitely before Christmas!! So much excitement! About to end our week in central FL. I have lots to post about with our trip to Tampa and Orlando.